Overcoming A Situation Using Selftalk

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Overcoming A Situation Using Selftalk

Hi! Its me, Amee! In this blog, I am sharing with you a situation I overcame and how! Hope you enjoy 🙂 

In these testing times of the coronavirus, life seems to be a lot more tough than normal. Adjusting to this massive change has been especially difficult for everyone.

For me, the most difficult part was adjusting to college on the online platform. Suddenly the workload and pressure to complete assignments seemed to have increased. I accepted the situation and it took a 180 degree turn from there. One day, I reminded myself of how privileged I am of being able to gain an education while sitting at home, during a global pandemic. I told myself that the least that I would expect from myself is to make 100% positive use of this time. To use it to grow as a person and to gain utmost knowledge. 

After about a month of online classes, I realised that I was actually adjusting pretty well to the situation. I underestimated myself before. I thought I was incapable of keeping up with just a regular amount of work that seemed heaps for no reason at all. I looked forward to attending class. I couldn’t wait to complete my assignments. Before I knew it, I was set as an example for my class. I was recognised by my professor as being honest and meticulous in submitting my assignments on time. 

However, it was not the same for my peers. Every small obstacle seemed like a big deal to them. I noticed that they were not ready to adjust to the situation. I noticed that every change or every inconvenience led into a fuss with the department facilities. It was a classic case of misunderstanding of expectations and roles. There would be confrontations among students and teachers followed by insanely negative comments among my peers.The negativity got to me. It was suffocating. 

I kept my calm throughout, looked at the positive in all the challenges we faced. I also kept in mind that the college along with the professors are facing double the amount of challenges for smooth running of our classes. That’s what kept me going. At times, it got very difficult to ignore the negative energy from my peers. 

Let me give you a situation; once our exams were announced suddenly. We were left with only 4 days to prepare before the exams began. The exams were extremely important in terms of weightage and the portions were a lot. I noticed the intensely negative conversations and my peers were extremely stressed. This is the time I thought of calming my friends and telling them that it’s going to be okay. 

I sent out a message telling my friends how important it would be if we did not overly react and use the time to actually sincerely prepare for the exam. I also mentioned that we should keep in mind the global pandemic and the fact that everyone needs to adjust and compromise in some way or another. The reaction I received was in fact harsh and quite hurtful. I simply said sorry for being intrusive and said that as a friend I thought I could comfort my peers.  A couple of hours later, I received sorry messages for the reaction and a few even justifying the reaction. 

What i learned from the situation was that you are your own best friend. That day i realised that i do not rely on my friends to be consoled. I realised that I am enough and having my positive mindset, setting my goals right and staying focused through this time has done me good. 

Stay calm, composed and positive 🙂Â